Economic Data
Facts and statistics about Cornell University, including: enrollment, degrees, conferred, diversity, etc.Cornell Program on Applied Demographics (PAD)
Brings skills in demographics, economics, statistics, data gathering and data analysis together to provide a variety of organizations with data, information and advice.
ACCRA Cost of Living Index
A reliable source of city to city comparison of key consumer costs available anywhere. COLI data is recognized by the US Census Bureau, US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the President’s Council of Economic Advisors.
County Business Patterns
Data provided by the US Census Bureau on total number of establishments, mid March employment, first quarter and annual payroll and number of establishments by nine employment size classes, detailed by industry
Ithaca College Institutional Research (IR)
Facts and statistics about Ithaca College, including: enrollment, degrees, conferred, diversity, etc.
Tompkins County Planning Department
Provides statistical overview for the county, including: population, demographics, income, housing, etc.