Putting it all together
Your source for all things economic development
Browse the resources below to find business-critical information like government services, potential partners and vendors, educational and networking opportunities, and so much more. IAED curates this list for your business and for the benefit of the Tompkins County workforce, with regular updates to make sure you have what you need, when you need it.
Contact the IAED team at 607.273.0005 for guidance on what assistance best suits your business needs.

Business Resources
Business assistance is available from a variety of sources. We know and work with them all. Let IAED be your guide to finding the best fit for your business to locate, start, and grow in Ithaca and Tompkins County.
Alliance for Manufacturing and Technology (AM&T)
AM&T is a private, non-profit organization that helps small and mid-size manufacturers and high-tech startups be more productive, profitable, and globally competitive.
Business CENTS
Alternatives Federal Credit Union (AFCU) offers the Business Community Enterprise Networking and Training Services (Business CENTS) Program with training, consultation, and relationship building opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Tompkins County
CCE of Tompkins County provides resources for agriculture-based businesses.
Downtown Ithaca Alliance (DIA)
The DIA is a 12 square block business improvement district in the City of Ithaca, charged with the revitalization, development, promotion, and management of Downtown Ithaca.
City of Ithaca – Office of Economic Development
The City’s Office of Economic Development provides services that encourage sustainable growth and investment, a favorable business climate, and the creation of a thriving community where people want to visit, live, work, and invest.
New York Small Business Development Center (NYSBDC)
NYSBDC provides assistance to current and prospective small business owners by providing a wide variety of information and free guidance. Contact the SBDC at Binghamton University to find a Business Advisor assigned to Ithaca by emailing here.
Rev: Ithaca Startup Works
Rev is a business incubator and workspace in Ithaca offering mentorship, workspace, and startup resources for any new or growing business that will create jobs in the community.
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses here and anywhere.
Tompkins Workforce NY
Tompkins Workforce NY helps businesses reach new hires and increase recruitment and retention. Job seekers benefit from skills training, career counseling, and other support services.
Finance & Economic Development
With so many financial options available at all levels, getting started is daunting and getting the best deal for your business is difficult. IAED cuts through the noise so you can hear the sweet sound of success.
Big Red Ventures
Big Red Ventures invests in early-stage companies and connects them with resources and expertise at Cornell University.
Cayuga Venture Fund (CVF)
CVF provides the capital and resources companies need to grow and prosper.
Empire State Development (ESD)
ESD is New York State’s economic development agency, providing tax based incentives, operational, growth and innovation support
Ithaca Area Economic Development Loan Funds
IAED’s Revolving Loan Fund Program helps entrepreneurs start new businesses, expand operations, and attract new businesses to Tompkins County.
Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA)
The Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency offers loans for businesses located in the City of Ithaca.
New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG)
NYSEG is an electric and gas utility company serving Tompkins County and New York State.
Opportunity Zones
Opportunity Zones are a program of the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) and were created to stimulate economic development and job creation by incentivizing long-term investments in low-income neighborhoods. Tompkins County has two Opportunity Zones, both in the City of Ithaca. For more information contact Tom Knipe, City of Ithaca Deputy Director for Economic Development, at
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) guaranteed loans
SBA guaranteed loans are offered by most local banks. Contact your bank representative to learn more.
Southern Tier East Economic Development (STEED) Revolving Loan Fund Program
Southern Tier East Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Program (STEED), administered by the Broome County Industrial Development Agency (The Agency), provides low-interest financing to small businesses unable to fully finance their projects with equity, conventional financing, or other private and public sources. The eight county STEED region includes Broome, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Tompkins, Tioga and Schoharie Counties.
Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Corporation/REDEC Relending Corporation
REDEC provides gap funding for new and expanding businesses in the Southern Tier.
Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council (REDC)
REDCs guide state economic development funding opportunities through the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process. There are 10 REDCs in New York State. Tompkins County is included in the Southern Tier REDC.
Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (TCIDA)
The TCIDA delivers tax incentives to support job growth, business and industrial development, and community revitalization.
Build the connections and relationships that benefit your business. IAED is an institution in Ithaca. We know the movers and shakers, the players, the people that get things done. Let us make for you the introduction that gets you plugged in and on your way.
Business CENTS' Coffee Talk
Coffee Talk is an educational networking business circle open to all, a part of Alternatives Federal Credit Union’s Business CENTS program.
Downtown Ithaca Alliance (DIA)
DIA assists businesses located in, or interested in locating in Downtown Ithaca, connect to available resources.
REV: Ithaca Startup Works
REV is a business incubator in Ithaca that offers information sessions and networking events. See events calendar.
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
The Tompkins Chamber provides networking opportunities such as Business After Hours and Networking at Noon. See events calendar.
Technology Commercialization
You need help making your goods and services commercially viable and accessible to consumers. Fortunately, the Ithaca area is home to a superior support system. We know because we’re part of it. Together, we’ll keep you planted firmly on your feet and moving your product out the door.
Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR)
The CCMR supports cutting-edge materials research and access to materials experts at Cornell University. The JumpStart Program helps New York state small businesses solve identifiable problems related to materials.
KensaGroup is a private equity company, commercializing cutting-edge platform discoveries from universities and corporate research laboratories within the framework of startup ventures.
The McGovern Center for Life Sciences
The McGovern Center is a Cornell-based incubator accelerating research and development of its client’s companies’ technology and products, validating its client companies’ business plans, and strengthening their management teams. Client companies do not have to originate from within Cornell.
The Praxis Center
The Praxis Center is a digital incubator at Cornell working to foster the development of early-stage Cornell engineering, digital, and physical science startups.
REV: Ithaca Startup Works
REV is a business incubator and workspace in Ithaca offering mentorship, workspace, and startup resources for any new or growing business that will create jobs in the community.
Come for the purpose, stay for the people. Our local workforce is reliable, skilled, and most importantly, trainable. They’ve got the stuff to make you great, supported by IAED and others who can get them in your door and onto the floor. Let’s get going.
Tompkins Workforce NY One Stop Career Center
Tompkins Workforce NY One Stop Career Center provides employment-related services for businesses, workers, and jobseekers in Tompkins County.
Live in Ithaca
Live in Ithaca provides links to job listings for employers spanning all sectors and localities in Tompkins County – find your perfect fit.